Kim Kardashian’s Marriage and post-internet poetry: review notes


I have a review of Sam Riviere’s latest (and now unavailable) poetry project, Kim Kardashian’s Marriage, up on Sabotage, in which I discuss post-internet poetry and alt lit, and briefly mention Steve Roggenbuck, Diane Marie, Crispin Best, Shaun Gannon, and Sian Rathore. There is are an awful lot more poets I could’ve mentioned, fading increasingly from the overtly (and self-avowedly) ‘alt lit’ and into conventional poetry communities, which is mostly evidence of its growing influence on poets (mostly under the age of 40).

In my review I use “post-internet poetry” rather than, say, “internet poetry” or “alt lit”. The latter two designations are quite specific, whereas using post-internet brings in some relevant critical discourse from visual arts and implies the incorporation of some of the devices of “internet poetry” and flarf back into something resembling conventional lyric. (Flarf has been ‘mainstream’ since 2009, supposedly.)

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